Thursday, October 23, 2014

Listening, public speaking and body language

Further to your suggestions, we will listen to either Amy Cuddy, Julian Treasure over the weekend and summarise the extract we choose fir the rest of the class next week.

Meet the composer

This programme  features different composers to present their work. In the first episode they feature John Luther Adams whose music is fast and slow at the same time, unraveling in fractal patterns that mimic great vast landscapes as well as tiny variations in the snow.

Monday, October 6, 2014


This programme explores dance through different angles to make us aware of its significance and meaning: Just dance!

Also the way in which Parkinson's patients enjoy dancing.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

C1 and C2 certification in Language Schools

You can ask the Madrid Department of Education to offer C1 and C2 certifications through this link.

English Accents

Have a look at this man imitating different accents, can you identify any of them? And a bit more here on the posh English accent. On a more contemporary note, would you believe Iowa has standardized the English language?