Thursday, January 15, 2015


Some listening and reading suggestions for you not to forget about cities!

The Law

Here's the video on the barrister we watched in class the other day in case you want to go over it again. And here's the vocabulary we'll be working on in this lesson.

Since our current topic deals with crime, you may want to practice some of the vocabulary we've gone over by completing this cloze on the Spanish Royals, the key to which can be found here, or read this somewhat old article from The Economist which tries to figure out the role of our Roman Catholic culture as an underlying explanation for our acceptance and endorsing of corruption. Seeing as our media is highly unreliable you might want to learn about what our government is up to by accessing more impartial reports such as this one by Reuters on why Spain is no country for judges or this one by The Guardian on how in Spain francoist torturers get away with murder and their successors refuse to pursue human rights.

A very courageous grandma indeed!