Sunday, October 20, 2013

Diane Ravitch on the 'Reign of Error' of Privatization and Schools

Diane Ravitch ‘Reign of Error’

Michael Krasny asks his guest why she calls the privatization of schools a hoax between minutes 5:53-11:12. Look through the following extracts from the conversation and explain what each of the expressions and phrasal verbs mean within the context.

DR - I find myself stumbling over the word ‘reform’ when I see it attached to people like Bill, Arne Duncan, Joel Klein, Michelle Rhee, I go through the whole litany. These guys are the status quo.

DR - … and to call himself a reformer when he owns the levers of power, it doesn’t make any sense.

DR - … and the whole nation is now dancing to his tune.

DR - In fact, these whole crowd of people who now call themselves reformers, are in fact privatisers.

DR - The reason that I am so critical about the charter movement is that it has strayed so far from its original purpose.

DR - The original purpose was that they would find the drop-outs, they would bring the drop-outs back.

DR - They would find innovative ways to engage kids who were totally turned off of school. They would not be judged by test scores because they were taking the most challenging students, the most difficult students.

MK - Too often they turn them away though, don’t they?

DR - Well what’s happened and this is why it’s a great hoax is that charter school now seek out the highest performing students in the poorest communities and they have been critized even by federal agencies for having disproportionately low numbers of students with disabilities. They usually accept very low proportions of students who are English language learners and then they kick out the children with the low test scores.

DR - In the state of Michigan more than 80% of the charter schools are run for profit and there are districts there which went into deficit or which had very little test scores where the governor, who is a far right reactionary governor, gave the entire school district to a for profit charter chain.

MK - Education shouldn’t be a consumer product, it should be a social and political responsibility.

DR - Where there is low performance, where there are schools that are really in trouble is where there is a concentration of high poverty and high racial segregation. It’s as though we’ve decided not to talk about the root causes.

Host and guest go on to talk about different issues related to education, if you are interested you can listen to the rest of the programme and see what they have to say about the Finnish education system (minutes 14:00-17:30), choice as a code word to for education as a consumer good rather than a civic obligation (as from 17:45) and the use of technology and the emergence of the education industry (as from 19:19), among many others.

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